Sharing my Passion For Prophecy with you

Tory St. Cyr is the husband of one wife and the father of two sons. However, as the president of The Clear and Present Truth, he is also an author, teacher, and playwriter. Tory felt a calling from the Lord soon after the 911 terrorist attack on America and was invited to speak at prayer meeting. 

From there, he taught Sabbath school, served as head of Youth Ministries, and ultimately became an ordained Elder. In 2009, he delivered his first prophecy sermon series titled “The Great Controversy.”

This led Tory to write a dynamic prophecy play called “How Will the World End?”. This production was initially used as a teaching medium for the youth; however, with the assistance of ministry leaders, this play was repurposed as an evangelism tool for the community.

In 2019, Tory once again felt God calling him to minister to the world. However, this time, Tory felt the call to write books for God’s cause. This gave birth to The Clear and Present Truth—A ministry that focuses on simplifying prophetic and doctrinal concepts so people of all ages and demographics can better understand the scriptures.

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