Big Bang or Big God?

I want you to imagine that you are walking around the block of your neighborhood. It’s a quiet afternoon, and you can feel the breeze as you walk. All of a sudden, you see a big explosion in the sky. You quickly take cover behind a tree, not knowing what is happening.

You watch as debris from the explosion fall right in front of you! You see pieces of metal, rubber, plastic, leather, aluminum, and glass all falling down. All this debris lands right in from of you. You are not sure what to make of it. But wait! As the smoke begins to clear, you can begin to see that the debris has taken shape!

Wait….the smoke clears, and in front are rubber tires, leather cloths, glass windows, metal parts, and aluminum panels! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the big explosion has created the beginnings of a brand new vehicle.

Then all of a sudden, you see a smaller explosion in the sky….and something drops right in front of you. It’s the key fob!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the most asked questions is How did human life begin? Some individuals believe that a big bang created the universe. And this big bang actually enabled life across its galaxies.



These same individuals believe that asteroids fell upon the earth and created bodies of water. The water contained organic compounds that happened to be struck by lightning at the right place and right time and thus began the building blocks of life. Cells would continue to split, and that life transitioned into a long worm-like creature that then evolved into a fish-like creature, then evolved into a cat-like creature, then evolved into an ape-like creature, then ultimately became what we know today as a human being. This theory is called evolution.

The question we should ask is—If humans evolved from monkeys, then why don’t we see the other stages of evolution? In other words, we have billions of humans, and thousands of monkeys but there are none evolving in between the two “stages.” But I digress. Scientists also believe that Natural Selection explains how we received our current features.

Natural Selection

Evolutionists believe that throughout these millions of years, human beings are what we are today because of something called Natural Selection. These scientists believe that we would still be swimming around in the oceans as little fish had it not been for Natural Selection, which they say, changed our organs and made it possible for us to breathe out of the water.

Many believe Natural Selection is responsible for our teeth, the size of our brains, the fact that we walk on two legs…and almost every other thing that makes us who we are.

If this is still confusing to you, imagine that the building materials of a car were created from a big bang. Imagine millions of years later, those materials would begin forming into a car. Now suppose the earth’s climate consisted of rain nearly every day. Well, Natural Selection would create windshield wipers on the car simply because the car needed them. Then imagine that the atmosphere was constant darkness due to a lack of sunlight. Well, Natural Selection would create headlights in the car. This would be laughable except for the fact that many people actually believe the Big Bang, Evolution, and Natural Selection are indisputable facts.

Atheists and others who believe in the big bang theory believe that because humans needed something, the body simply began to know what it needed and created the adaptation for whatever was required. For example, because humans needed to hold things, our bodies developed thumbs. However, how would one body know to develop something that a previous human knew?

Wars have been in existence since the beginning of time. So why haven’t our bodies begun creating their own built-in body armor that prevents us from being stabbed? According to scientists, our bodies should begin adapting to what’s occurring in our world.

Whoever created us is God

Even if we believe life began with a big bang, we would still have to determine who created that big bang! Many Atheists and Evolutionists believe life came into existence from a single atom. Regardless of what they believe about that atom, it is essentially god to them. 

What makes God who He is, is the fact that He created the universe. If some believe an atom created the universe, then that atom is god for them. How they choose to address their version of God is wholly up to them, but I believe the God who created the universe deserves my worship and adoration.

So even though some may continue believing in evolution, I believe that life on this planet began with a purpose. And though some believe in Natural Selection, I believe the evidence points to a supernatural designer. And clearly there are those who believe that there was a Big Bang, but I choose to believe that there is a big God.