Every Question you can think of regarding the Heavenly Sanctuary! Pt. 1
1. At the Cross, Jesus said “It is Finished.” Are you suggesting there was more work for Christ to do? (00:55)
2. What was Jesus doing prior to the year 1844 AD? (3:17)
3. Was the “Atonement” complete at the cross? (3:59)
4. Because Jesus was from the order of Melchisedec, does that mean His duties as the High Priest don’t contain the same components as the Levitical priests? (6:43)
5. At Christ’s ascension, did He go to the Holy Place or did He go straight into the Most Holy Place? (8:56)
6. The Bible says, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father… How can this be the Holy Place? (11:25)