Every Question you can think of regarding the Heavenly Sanctuary (pt. 2)
1. When the Hebrews 6:19 says Jesus entered “within the veil,” wasn’t this the Most Holy Place? (00:16)
2. When Hebrews 10:19 says, “Having boldness to enter into the Holiest,” isn’t this an obvious reference to the Most Holy Place? (5:44)
3. Was Jesus’ sacrifice represented as the Daily Sacrifice or the Day of Atonement sacrifice? (10:15)
4. Did Christ’s blood pollute the heavenly sanctuary? (11:11)
5. Is Christ’s work in the heavenly sanctuary a work of judgment? (11:55)
6. Is the Judgment occurring in the heavenly sanctuary for believers or for everyone? (13:15)
7. Why is Christ’s work in the heavenly sanctuary called the Investigative Judgment? (14:20)
8. Why would Christ need an Investigative Judgment? (16:25)
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