The Word of GOD

Where Did the Bible Come From?

The Bible is often called the Word of God. The word “Bible” comes from the Greek word biblia, which means “books.” More accurately, the Bible is a compilation of books that pertain to stories, poems, prophecies, triumphs, defeats, and first-hand accounts. Although we marvel at this remarkable book, we may find ourselves wondering—Where did the Bible come from? To be honest, it’s a question that has been debated for centuries and will probably continue to be the subject of discussions for the foreseeable future. And though we may not have all the specifics, the Bible and history provide us enough evidence to give us a base understanding of its origins.

 1.) How Was God’s Word Given?

In my childhood years, I always believed that God’s Word was dictated to those who wrote its contents. I considered the Bible a compilation of notes that were taken in a similar fashion to how a student would take notes from a college professor. In this scenario, God, as the college professor, would deliver his instructions, and whoever God spoke to would simply write what he heard. However, as I began studying the Bible for myself, I realized that my earlier assumption was incorrect. Notice what the Bible says regarding its origins:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2Timothy 3:16

Notice that the first part of the verse did not say, “All scripture is given by verbal communication.” This reveals to us that while there are instances that God spoke directly to prophets or priests, more often than not, the Bible was written through inspiration. 

 2.) What is Inspiration?

The textbook definition of inspiration is:

“The process of being mentally stimulated.”

The Bible’s usage of “inspiration” means God-breathed or God-inspired. In essence, God’s prophets and witnesses were divinely guided to write God’s thoughts. However, they were not dictated word for word what they were supposed to write. God simply inspired His servants to write, and thus the Word of God was given to humanity.  

 3.) How was prophecy given? 

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2Peter 1:21

Peter reveals that prophets were moved by the Holy Ghost and once again we can see that God’s servants were inspired or moved to write God’s thoughts.

Originally, God’s Word was written on separate scrolls. However, sometime after the establishment of the Christian Church, those scrolls were added to a specifically approved collection (called the Canon), and thus the Bible was formed.