WHAT IS THE MEANING OF 666? Some believe 666 refers to Emperor Nero’s name. Others believe 666 refers to Nimrod’s name.
Most of my friends and family avoid 666 like it’s the plague.
They believe that if their license plate contains 666 or they receive $6.66 back from the cashier that something terrible will happen to them. To be honest with you, I used to have a similar mindset…until I understood the true meaning of 666.
Some believe 666 refers to Emperor Nero’s name. Others believe 666 refers to Nimrod’s name.
And there are a few who believe 666 refers to the Pope’s medieval title―Vicarius Filii Dei.
However, would you believe me if I told you that 666 has nothing to do with these names?
Would you believe me if I told you that 666 has nothing to do with calculating the numerical value of anyone’s name? Well, guess what? You won’t have to believe what I say, because the pages of this book will prove it to you.
The Clear and Present Truth of 666 will give you three simple rules. Once you learn these three rules, the meaning of 666 will become clear.
By God’s grace, you will understand that 666 is not something that John mentioned as an aside. 666 is a message that God has reserved specifically for His Church―a message for you and me that you are about to receive.
I can almost guarantee that once you discover the Biblical meaning of 666, you will ask yourself the question―How did I not see this before?