The Controversy between good and evil

Star Wars in Heaven

In our previous lesson, we remember that Lucifer was wise, handsome, stood in the presence of God, and was the deliverer of God’s instructions to the angelic host. What a resume!

We also recall that his exalted status in heaven went to his head and he began to think of himself as more of an equal with God. Well, there is a proverb that says, “as a man thinketh, so is he,” and thus Lucifer’s thoughts begin to take control of him.

When did Lucifer begin transitioning to Satan?

Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Ezekiel 28:15

Remember, Lucifer did not know what sin was. So even though he had these feelings of jealousy and self-exaltation, they hadn’t yet manifested. Well, the above Scripture says that iniquity was found in him. Iniquity is still sin, but it’s a deeply rooted sin. It is to continue sinning without repentance. Here, we must understand that if Lucifer committed iniquity that he had the opportunity to turn from his evil ways. Knowing the character of God and understanding that He is all-knowing, it should be understood that God revealed to Lucifer the error of his ways, however, Lucifer still chose to continue on the path that he was on. He refused to repent and thus he committed iniquity and became the devil or Satan.

Did Lucifer keep his thoughts to himself?

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heavenRevelation 12:4

Here, we see that during Lucifer’s transition to Satan, he began communicating his discontent to the angelic host. Remember, Lucifer was God’s messenger and the angels were accustomed to receiving and accepting messages from the covering cherub. However, now Lucifer begins delivering his own messages to the angelic host. We don’t know the exact content of what Lucifer conveyed to the angels, but we do know that another name for Satan is the accuser of our brethren (Revelation 12:10). It is logical to assume that Lucifer started accusing God of being unfair. Knowing that Lucifer wanted to be God, it is also likely that he suggested to the angels that he could make a better government than God and that if the angels would follow him then they would make a better god.

The Scriptures reveal that for every three angels, one angel chose to make Satan their new leader.

What happened once Lucifer began to rebel but refused to repent?

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. Revelation 12:7

Satan eventually tried to usurp God’s authority in heaven and the conflict finally boiled over. It was at this point that God could no longer keep Satan in the confines of His presence. The Bible reveals that there was a supernatural struggle in heaven. The heavenly angels fought against the rebelling angels.

What was the result of this war?

And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. Revelation 12:8

The result of this war was Satan and his angels were thrown out of heaven and were never allowed to return. 

Now we see how Lucifer became Satan. In our next study, we will reveal how Satan’s expulsion from heaven affected us here on earth.