The Biblical Definition of a Beast in Bible Prophecy

Now, last but not least, let’s understand what a Beast represents in Bible prophecy., the book of Daniel gives us two definitions:

Notice what it says in Daniel 7:17

These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.

Also, notice what it says in Daniel 7:23

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth

So according to the prophecy, a beast can represent a king or a kingdom. Remember they are interchangeable because the king is central to a ruling power.

Now, in order to understand how a beast is most often applied in Bible prophecy, we must simply use the process of elimination.

We know kings are already symbolized. We know governments are already symbolized. What’s left? The people.

So a beast in Bible prophecy represents a nation.

Revelation 13 confirms this for us when we see the beast that comes out of the water. The reason is that the water, according to Revelation 17:15, represents peoples, multitudes, and nations, which rise up to form world ruling empires.

Now that you understand the definitions of Horns, Heads, and Beasts, you should now see that a Horn represents a kingship. Which are all the kings who ruled a nation.


The Heads represent the government of a nation, but you also must understand that heads are inclusive of the kings who rule over them.


And finally, you must understand that a beast represents all the inhabitants of a nation—which are inclusive of the government, which is also inclusive of its kings.


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