The Controversy between good and evil

Why Didn't God Stop Sin from Occurring?

As humans, it is common to see all the death and destruction that runs rampant on this planet and wonder…Why didn’t God stop all this from happening? If God is all-knowing, then He had to have known the results of creating Lucifer. And if He is all-powerful, why didn’t He simply make Lucifer change his mind?

These are all common questions; however, in order to understand the answer to these questions, we must use all the information that we know about Satan and the rebellion that occurred in heaven.

Why didn’t God destroy Lucifer as soon as the roots of rebellion began?

The Bible doesn’t directly tell us the reason, but knowing that Lucifer was full of beauty, displayed the highest level of wisdom, was clothed in brightness, and was God’s designated messenger, we have to see it from the perspective of the angels. Remember, Lucifer began accusing God. Whatever the accusation was, it was to the point that many of the angels believed that Satan would make a better leader than God. Now, I want you to imagine that after Satan planted the seed of rebellion among the angels, God destroyed him. Can you see that the angels would’ve served God out of fear? What about the two third of angels that remained loyal to God? They would most likely wonder if Lucifer was right.

In order for God to reveal the true nature of this rebellion to the angelic host and any unfallen worlds witnessing this conflict, God allowed the rebellion to run its course. God permitted Satan to create this alternate government and the loyal angels along with the unfallen worlds would be able to see the results of Satan’s “theory.” Not only was Satan permitted to continue his rebellion so the loyal angels and unfallen world’s could see the fruit of Satan’s plan, but the results of this plan would also serve as an eternal reminder that rebellion against God will always result in pain and heartache. 

Why didn’t God simply prohibit Lucifer from being created?

Another question that often arises is— If God knew what Lucifer would become, why didn’t He simply change his plan to create him? This is a very difficult question. God knows the beginning to the end. He doesn’t exist in time and space as we do. However, we may gain a small understanding when we contemplate the character of God by understanding He doesn’t change.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

For I am the LORD, I change notMalachi 3:6

Here we see that God doesn’t change. We often use these verses to prove that God’s character remains the same. This is true, but we can also gleam from these verses that whatever God’s decision is, He doesn’t altar that path. If God decides to create an angel, but then He sees that this angel will sin, He doesn’t change His plans to fit a necessary outcome. If God decides to create a world, but can see that this world will fall into sin and rebellion, He doesn’t change his plans to create a more favorable outcome. Rather, God continues with his original plans and foreseeing the future results, He makes a way for those in this world to get through the rebellion.

What we must understand is that, if God started the business of deleting or prohibiting evil people from coming into existence, then yes, Satan wouldn’t exist….but neither would you and me. God loves us so much that even though our existence comes with heartache and pain, He doesn’t change his plans in order to force a more favorable scenario. God brings us into this world, giving us every opportunity to resist the devil and meet God in peace. 

Why doesn’t God wipe the world of sin?

God is all-powerful. He has the ability to force us to do whatever He wants us to do. He could also simply wipe us clean as if sin never existed. He could do what they did in those Men in Black movies to erase people’s memories. God can tell all of us to look into the light!

However, God is not like us. His course of action is never mistaken. He plans are always perfect; nor is He ever caught off-guard. God allows life to continue in its sinful state and allows evil people to exist even if they harm good people. The plan is for God to work in our favor, and even if we are hurt by an evil person, one day God will bring us into His presence and we will live eternally with Him. At that point, the hurt that we received in this life will seem so small and insignificant.

Why doesn’t God just force us to serve Him?

This question can also be understood once we realize that God gives us the ability to chose.

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serveJoshua 24:15

We already understand God is all-powerful. However, it’s such an awesome thing to know that this all-powerful being doesn’t force us against our wills. He wants us to chose him, but if we don’t it is our prerogative to do so.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:19

At the end of the day, God’s government is based off of love. God loves you so much that he didn’t delete you before you came into this world. He knowingly allowed you to come into this world with all its pain and problems, and if you chose to love Him and follow Him, He will reward you at the end of this world.