Reason 1 of 6 not to use Vicarius Filii Dei

1: Gematria should not be used as a method for Biblical interpretation

In order to derive Vicarius Filii Dei from 666, we must use a method called Gematria. Here is the definition of Gematria from My Jewish Learning:

“Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts.”  My Jewish Learning


An example of modern-day Gematria is seen in the Hebrew word for “life.” Chai in Hebrew Gematria adds up to the number 18. As a result, the number 18 is often viewed as a lucky number in their culture. While this may seem harmless, we must recognize the practice did not originate with God. This practice came from the Pagans!

You must understand that the process of taking words and deriving numerical values, and using those values to form a system of truth is numerology. Numerology is a form of witchcraft.

This might not be on the level of casting spells or worshipping Satan, but it is akin to believing in horoscopes or the “power” of the universe to make things happen. These practices clearly originated from a Pagan worldview, and Christians should steer clear.

While many may argue that this level of occultism is Ok, we must ask ourselves would God expect us to use Pagan practices to decipher Biblical truth?

Now, someone may say that Roman numerals are letters, so this is not really Gematria. This is a valid point, but we must remember that Gematria takes words or phrases and derives a numerical value. Using Roman numerals as numbers is not the same. For example, each year, the Superbowl is identified with Roman numerals. But those numerals are used for their intended use…which is numerical. 

LII is a number, not a word that we are trying to obtain some greater knowledge from.  

Vicarius Filii Dei is not a Roman numeral. It’s a title that we have assigned a numerical value in order to derive a system of belief. Whether you are ready to admit it or not, this is Gematria.

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